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The flash game "CellCraft" places players into the micro-scale world of cells. Viruses attack you as you gather resources to make proteins in real time for defense and upkeep. An exciting new way of teaching cell science!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


So I talked a bit about how CellCraft goes about teaching, so I should talk a bit about game play.

Our story is primed when we learn that a planet of platypuses is doomed! A few biologists decide that the best way to save the species is to embed their genome into a simple amoeba, and send it to a new planet. But space and new planets can be a dangerous place, and creating a cell that can thrive is a tricky task!

This is where the player comes in, taking control of the newly born cell in a petri dish. You have the ability to cast out pseudopods, and explore. Over time you gain more and more organelles. Mitochondria to boost your ATP production, ribosomes to make enzymes and proteins. Organelles decay over time, producing free radicals that must be neutralized. Eventually they stop working and must be broken down by lysosomes, and newer ones must be divided.

Viruses are often tossed into the petri dish to toughen up your cell, and it's up to you to defeat them! Make defensins to toughen up your membrane, or slicer enzymes to attack viruses head on! Several virus types exist and each have different properties.

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